Music Magazine Questionnaire Results

I handed out my questionnaire to a variety of different ages between 14 and 23. I did this because this is the age group that I want my magazine to be aimed at. I wanted my audience to be in this age group as it will be aimed at teenager’s aswell as young adults, this would be helpful as I would get a fair and a variety of different results which would make my magazine more interesting.
The majority of my sample group were students who were unemployed however some of them did have small weekend jobs, so I considered that in my pricing. The majority of them listened to 3-4 hours of music a day however some of them did listen to 5 or more hours. The average amount of money spent on music magazine was £3-£4. This was ideal for me as I wanted my magazine to be a monthly magazine so the price would be high.
A variety of different answers were given when people look to buy a music magazine, I think that buy making my music magazine monthly it makes my magazine more professional and it fits with my target audience, as it would be easier to purchase as my audience is mainly students.
The genres that I chose to include in my questionnaire are popular music genres, so I expected these to be the main ones chosen. Rock magazines are more popular of genres for music magazines, I think that by making my magazine open to all genres makes it more contemporary and a variety of people would buy my magazine which would make it popular.
Concerts ranged between 5 and 6 a year. This shows that my readers will be looking to read live shows and concert updates and reviews. The popular merchandises were posters, t-shirts, CD’s and badges- this shows that merchandising will be a bit part of my magazine.
Gossip, concert information and reviews were the main features that the readers wanted to follow, so inside my magazine would be these features. The shots that my audience preferred were live in-action- shots and close up. This is important as this will have to feature on my cover, contents and double page spread. I will do a variety of different shots but choosing the best ones to use and ones that my audience prefer.
Lastly, the colour scheme that I will use it bright attractive colours (mainly primary colours) such as; purples, blues, reds and also black and white. This will help it stand out on any colour background.